VFA Recommended Books

Susan Brownmiller's

The Dial Press

Booklist, from the American Library Association, says: "A riveting blend of eyewitness accounts and keen analysis, this is history at its most vital and a stirring testament to our ability to come together to combat social injustice."

Susan Brownmiller now brings the Women's Liberation Movement and its passionate history vividly to life. Here is the colorful cast of characters on whose shoulders we stand - the feminist icons Betty Friedan, Kate Millett, Germaine Greer, and Gloria Steinem, and the lesser known women whose contributions to change were equally profound. And here are the landmark events of the era: the consciousness-raising groups that sprung up in people's living rooms, the mimeographed position papers that first articulated the new thinking, the abortion and rape speak-outs, the daring sit-ins, the underground newspaper collectives, and the inventive lawsuits that all played a role in the most wide-reaching revolution of the twentieth century. Here as well are Brownmiller's reflections on the feminist utopian vision and her dramatic accounts, rendered with honesty and humor, of the movement's painful internal schisms as it struggled to give voice to the aspirations of all women. Finally, Brownmiller addresses that most relevant question: What is the legacy of feminism today?

Kirkus says: "Meetings, debates, demonstrations, church speak-outs, living-room confessions all come passionately to life in this memoir. A cogent, vivid view that conveys the drama and urgency of the women's liberation movement from a writer who was both a committed activist and a critical observer, sometimes simultaneously."

Available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon books

Contact Susan here: sueb@echonyc.com


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